One of the best parts of D&D Next was our ability – as passionate players, DMs and fans – to contribute to the shaping of the final D&D 5e game.
And one of the most underrated (or perhaps unknown?) parts of D&D 5e right now is its Unearthed Arcana article and survey series – where playtesting for any potential 5e rules expansion continues to this day.
(Side note: I love how careful the designers are being with any official rules expansion. They’ve said they don’t want to overwhelm anyone, especially the DM, and risk the awful rules bloat and power creep so common in past editions. So plenty of caution and playtesting – by all of us – makes sense. Quality over quantity? Yes, please!)
The many new class archetypes alone in Unearthed Arcana will win most D&D gamers over, and a survey accompanies each of these playtest options so you – as the players and DMs running the characters and campaigns – can tell the D&D designers what works ok, what you love and what you hate!
So if you’ve missed Unearthed Arcana since its dawn in February 2015, check it out now! While the proposed new class archetypes are arguably the most exciting content (and most frequent in recent months), you’ll find new rules and ideas for mass combat, feats, quicker characters, the Underdark, Eberron and much more.
New bard colleges? Weapon-master monks? The cleric domains of Grave and Forge? Oaths of Conquest or Treachery – yes, Treachery! – for paladins? How about some beloved classics like the Arcane Archer, Knight or Samurai? (Oriental Adventures fans, I know you’re out there!) They’re all here for us to playtest – right now!
So find something you’d like to try in your games, talk to your DM, test drive it a while, and send in your feedback through its matching Unearthed Arcana survey.
Help shape the future of 5e!